Real Estate Farming Program

What is Real Estate Farming? Real Estate Farming is a planned prospecting campaign (the keyword is PLANNED) where you heavily service a geographic area or a social group in an effort to get listings, buyers, and referrals. Farming in real estate is a long-term prospecting goal. It will take about six months (to see first … Read more

Real Estate Farming 101

Whether you are a seasoned professional or a new real estate agent evaluating different marketing ideas, you’ve probably heard of farming. What is Real Estate Farming? If you are tweeting about real estate and have a core group of followers, you are farming… If you are just knocking on doors, you are not farming. You are … Read more

Real Estate Newsletters

Marketing gurus of real estate marketing are always debating which type of marketing materials is the most effective way to reach target audience: paid online ads, social media, real estate newsletters, flyers and marketing postcards, email newsletters, interactive website or such a relic as cold-calling? There is no short answer – and in reality, you … Read more

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